Sunday, September 26, 2010

Twenties Girl

Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella.

Twenties Girl

The heroine Lara Lington is at a crossroad in her life and serendipitously meets her great-aunt Sadie. While Sadie can be very annoying, she also helps Lara find her way to true love and a successful work life.

While I have read all of the Shopaholic series, I read about "Twenties Girl" Red Vines for Breakfast.

My thoughts
The premise is rather silly but Sophie Kinsella makes it work. I can always empathize with a heroine who struggles with her love and work life! What single woman can't?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Prairie Tale

Prairie Tale by Melissa Gilbert.

Prairie Tale

Melissa Gilbert discusses her life from her days on Little House on the Prairie as Half-Pint to her adulthood that included a nose job and an addiction to alcohol.

Lainey Gossip discussed the Shannen Doherty incident and left me wanting more.

My thoughts
I loved watching Little House on the Prairie and so I thought all the stories around the set very interesting. There are also many shocking incidents involving celebrities. If you love gossip and Little House, you will dig this book!